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Mostrando postagens com marcador notícia falsa. Mostrar todas as postagens



In a survey made by IPSOS Institute, it was concluded that the Brazilian is the people who believe in fake news in the world.

Besides proof that is a population of ignorant and that are only expert in the jaws of bad taste and in the bullshit that this nation lives and believes, also to discover that it is a population prejudiced and pretended to be sympathies and to be cheerful and that are easy rolled by the foreigner and politicians.

It is not an expert population but they want to pass expert images.

The result shows that we lead the ranking by 62%, followed by Saudi Arabia and South Korea (58%) and Peruvian and Spanish (57%).

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The survey also points out that 62% admitted that they believed in false news at some point in their lives.

On the other hand, interestingly 68% of respondents said they know the difference between what is false and true.

For the public opinion director of the IPSOS Institute, Danilo Cersosimo, the Brazilian context is "very favorable to the dissemination of fake news due to the fall of confidence in the institutions".

He also stressed that the candidates themselves have become accustomed to disseminating fake news against their opponents without checking whether the complaint is in fact true.

When questioning the interviewees about what they call a "fake news", the answers and callsign were:

"stories in which the facts are wrong" (68%);

"Stories in which media or politicians only select the facts that support their side of the argument" (25%);

And "a term that politicians and media use to deny the news with which they do not agree" (18%).

Fact is that Brazilian adores believes in lies and spreads them out as if it were absolute truth even if they have never caught or seen something the population that is lazy to use the brain and thinks very much like to go through the heads of others.

Terms that Brazilians most use to believe lies is to use friends, relatives, or neighbors as if it were a taboo of salvation to lend credence to the lies that are supposed to be true.

Formerly the fake news was restricted to the municipality and states and it was difficult to clear why ignorant propagated as truth, today with the advent of the internet the gossip and chatter got out of the wheels of neighborhoods, buteco, hairdressers, college and goes straight to social networks where they are shared .

Fake news will already exist for years in Brazil and we only observe the slanderous gossip between groups and relation to a people who often neither know nor live but are spread by word of mouth.

This research shows that we have known for years and shows the reality of a population formed of ignorant, expert-minded, who is lazy to use the brain.

Naked and raw reality that we now see of this population and we see how many victims had the fake news practiced by the Brazilian and those who helped the spread and the worst, reputations were distroido, innocent persecuted and people victims of prejudice to practice groups that took advantage of the lies who invented and helped spread.

This shows just how much Brazilian malandragem is used to spread rumor, slander and defamation and worse are so expensive that they are not ashamed.

This blog with respectively its author is against such fabricated and invented news of the weak and sick head that has nothing to do, since I have also been many times target of such fake news well of the advent of the internet and social network and I know well how's that.

We fight and denounce such acts vehemently.

Source: Estadão

Commentators: Mário da Luz, Detective Luz



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